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In 1967 Richard cut the logs for his new Twin Lakes Cabin. He let them cure over the winter, and in the spring of 1968, moved all the logs to the building site to begin constructing his new home.
The cabin is taking shape quickly. With the roof poles in place, it won't be long before the roof will be finished.
With the roof now sodded, and windows in place, time to begin to furnish his new home.
All of the rocks and stones gathered on Richard's travels around Twin Lakes now make up the new fireplace.
Having an efficient kitchen for preparing meals is most important. Richard has everything he needs.
The design of the cabin is well thought out, and allows maximum efficiency for living at Twin Lakes.
Very handy for any guests to stay. Richard used the upper bunk.
Raymond "Jake" built Richard's cooking and heating stove for his new cabin. This would provide more warmth than his fireplace would.
Richard loved the fall season with the beautiful and brilliant fall colors.
The winter season created some of the most beautiful landscape around Twin Lakes. The cold temperatures didn't stop Richard from his excursions.
It was essential to have enough firewood supply on hand for the winter months.
Richard built his cache in 1969 to keep his food supply away from the visiting wildlife.